May 19Liked by Dr. Carey Yazeed

We are invested in this. We need another visit to mail some stuff and an update pronto! That cute new pixie haircut probably got his attention. LOL. Perhaps a note with your number with a musical stamp on it OR invite him to the foundation event???

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LOL...why is this feeling like the prelude to a romance novel. I actually need to mail some stuff this week so hopefully I'll have an update, if he is working. Someone else DM'd me and suggested I invite him to the event. The only issue is that the upcoming event is 1.5 hours away, it's not local and when I thought about it - I was in my car driving home. I don't know about giving him my number. I would be mortified if he was married, dating someone, not interested and just a friendly person. Can you tell flirting isn't my superpower, lol.

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Yes - we are definitely invested. Ok just remember how fun flirting used to be. If he's over 40, hopefully he'll know how to take the right bait that's left in front of him. So go ahead and slide in a "Gosh we've talked so much now, I feel like we should know each other - I'm Carey" (hand extended) or a little bolder with "Now that I'm finished mailing all of those, I need to relax a bit. What do you suggest I should check out over the weekend". COME ON SIS YOU GOT THIS! We're rooting for you. =)

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