Feb 15Liked by Dr. Carey Yazeed

NO. Many of us have strained relationships with our family. It took me 30 years to write publicly about my deceased child's father's abuse, and I grappled a lot with the decision; ultimately made it because I thought it was important and instructive to other abuse victims, especially those who are too young to understand what's happening. This is absolutely straight narcissism, and I'm seeing more and more narcissistic behavior from people on social media (not celebrities, though they think they are). It's troubling.

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Feb 15Liked by Dr. Carey Yazeed

I would never share private texts between my child and I. Even the good ones, unless I had their consent. Mo’ proved the point that she’s a narcissist and seemingly married a man that feeds into that for his own personal gain. Whatever hurt she has, she’s inflicting it upon her son and it seems that he’s been trying to move past that and heal. I believe she spoke on him in order to make her interview seem more interesting. We all know about the old beef she’s been having, but we never heard about her son. She bought him up in order to make herself seem more relevant, not considering the further damage she was visiting upon him. I hope this young man heals from her.

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Feb 15Liked by Dr. Carey Yazeed

I would never. I’ve since realized my parents were emotionally unavailable to myself and my older sister. We frequently go in to rants about how yes they provided for us but No we don’t have that parent child emotional connection with them. It’s a sad thing to realize but I pour so much love, attention, time and life into my own children (4) it has helped me heal (slightly) and I realized early on that I never want my children to feel the way I feel about my parents. I love them but the relationship and connection is not there.

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Thank you for writing this piece and sharing. I had no idea about Monique's son situation but what you just described sounds like a classic case of narcissistic/toxic parenting.

I myself am estranged from all my parents (biological and step) for the same narcisstic shenanigans. It's hurtful to hear people calling him entitled for something SHE is primarily responsible for.

I'm glad you can see through the BS.

I do not have children but would most definitely not cross their boundaries in that way. Lack of boundaries is prevalent in homes where there is a narcissist parent. I don't agree with how Monique was treated for the Precious film, but she needs to hold herself accountable for that strained relationship with her son.

My condolences to you and your fam for your son ❤️

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